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Things Should Know About Carrier Pigeons

Pigeons have a natural ability to regain their way, even remotely. People recognized that skill early and Use an advantage to communicate with others. This current was before email these amenities, telephone, and even reliable postal service. When CES pigeons were used to carry items they Gather the nickname "pigeon." You can imagine wearing messages between secret lovers and helping to espionage, but it is not what they are used for. In the past they were used to some very important tasks Such as sending Orders for Military Officers, snapping aerial photos, and even distribution of sensitive medical shipments between the two hospitals. They even once if made useful by making film photographers on the ground in their laboratories photo to expand when time was of the essence.
When the pigeons are used for sending messages, they are called 'pigeon. "Since the pigeons have the ability to find their way back through those distances Incredible Develops A system called" pigeon post. "It works by negotiating with pigeons other than the owner of the pigeon fate messages can teleport to them. For example, two people could share three pigeons with each other and if separate. They then send the Possibility of three messages to each other via Pigeon Post. Once they sent three messages each, they would need if reunite again to trade more pigeons. This upright Minimize travel they would need to do this here was a great convenience when you travel and it was more expensive it dangerous the east today.
With the many stories Wonderful Subject of these birds are a lot of misconceptions. On the one hand, they are often considered as extinct, but they are not it. The pigeon is one that has been torn into extinction. Other A common misconception is that a pigeon is a pigeon race. A pigeon east breed that is mainly used as a carrier pigeon. Pigeon Voyageur it is that the 'job title' some pigeons. Similarly, someone not call it the seed of a guide dog was "guide dog". Not, You call the dog by his actual race, as golden retriever.
How to Train Homing Pigeon ONE
The instinct of a homing pigeon is always Wanting to where they Live, especially you have a companion or pigeons. With this knowledge, the first step in the formation of a carrier pigeon is know where his East Foyer. To do so, homeowners will keep the pigeons in their enclosures companies for several months. Usually from the time they are young until they are grown. This east harder with pigeons adults because they may already have a place they call home. In the months to keep the birds in a cage, they should be well fed Guards A proper diet foods for pigeons. After their stay in the cage, they know where their home. As of now, most pigeons will always come back to this place and when let out Wanting. A very small percentage of pigeons leave and not return. They then go somewhere else to live, wild pigeons Becoming. Once the home of pigeons east established, they will slowly be able to find The Way back along long distances. The Rally of jurisdiction may make them useful as pigeons travelers.

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