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Bears are more likely to meet the campers, hikers and anglers head mountains or highlands. Bears are very curious animals, but usually are not aggressive.
Bears are a little 'more aggressive when they are hungry or think that their food source is threatened. Although some people believe hungry bears all the time there are some things that you should avoid. When bears come out of hibernation are very hungry and probably the most aggressive. When she was a particularly dry season and their normal food source is abundant, it is a good time to look bears. Anglers should look for signs of bears near rivers. Especially beware of surface stains, where the bears can get food easily. Bear feces is another sign that the bears were feeding in this area.
This means that we are not going into the woods, lakes and hills forever? No, you can hike safely, camp and fish as long as you are vigilant for bears. Bears have a keen sense of smell and can smell food or even when they are miles away in the wind. However, the bears usually want nothing to do with a human being, if possible. So hiking trails approved and set up camp in an open area. Keep food away from your sleeping area and airtight. If you can hang your food from a branch of a tree out of the reach of the animals of the forest.
Campfire, if permitted by law, is a good deterrent. If the animal before seen a distant and does not realize that it is endangering their food security, which usually turn and go in another direction. If, however, the bear starts to approach this would be the time to use a repellent. If you encounter a wild bear this would also be a good time to have a practical repellent.
When he meets a wild bear some different tactics of self-defense. First without rapid movement of the animal face and speak softly, then back to the road, but do not turn your back and slowly moving out of reach. If you can make you look like you're in a kneeling position, standing. If after this bear even faster approach is no going back, relax in a ball and offer no resistance.
Now I do not know about you, but the curling into a ball and try to bring the bear scares me. Some people think a gun would be an effective defense. Most of guns that can be comfortably worn by a hiker are too small caliber to kill a bear. Instead probably would make the animal more angry and aggressive. It is a proven bear repellent spray becomes useful.
Interagency Grizzly Bear The Committee recommends the use of pepper spray for defense against bears. The Sierra Club recommends that anyone entering bear country bring bug spray repellent. Hands down Guard Alaska bear spray seems to be the most effective deterrent available. Alaska Guard does not contain flammable or ozone depleting. It is a ultra-hot chili pepper spray 20% and is the only registered by the EPA as a repellent for all species of bear. A can of bear repellent Alaska Guard can spray up to 20 feet and up to nine seconds, and has a duration of three years. Pepper spray formulation opens the pores of the skin and mucous membranes to make the product more effective. The specific weight of the carrier is greater than that of water, it works on a wet animal.
Up to this point, the worst scenario would be for you to be face to face with a bear. So, in this case, it is imperative that we want to bring the spray in a case of a tape. Slowly remove the box and press the trigger so that the spray goes directly in the face and the eyes of the bear. Then, as previously mentioned, again and move forward. Do not drag until the pepper spray dissipates. Normally a spray bear is activated for about 5 minutes, and is a follower, so removing the self as much as possible in the area. Do not climb a tree unless there is no other alternative. If you can go, so can a lot of bears.
The natural phenomenon is a situation where you will see the bear 200-300 hundred meters. Most likely, if you are not quick or aggressive movement, the animal turns on and retired. If the animal begins to approach, it is recommended to spray a second explosion 1-2 less than 100 feet. Then a second explosion within 2-3 additional 40 meters, then drain the spray remaining in the box if the bear continues to approach. Once you see the animals react to the spray, start again and if the bear away, escape. No one can say what the animal will do when the effect of the spray dissipates. If you are camping overnight or take a long walk, we recommend wearing a second box as a backup if you run the first box. Before hiking or camping to a new box and give a quick pull the trigger to make sure it is under pressure.
We would never suggest doing an encounter with a bear or intentional never feel that because you are wearing a spray repellent pepper that would be 100% sure in all cases. We know that if you follow the proper guidelines, and bring a quality product as the Guard Alaska bear repellent, you have the best chance of surviving an unexpected encounter with a wild bear.

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